I don't know why I don't keep up to date on my little blog. I think I am going to make sure I update monthly and before you know it many months have gone by.
This is the Fire Escape quilt I made for Lacey for her college graduation. She earned her Bachelor's in Criminal Justice (I think that is what it is.)
Here she is with her dad in front of the quilt. This is my July finish.
This is a Snake Charmer quilt I made for my grand nephew who made his entrance early. He was due in August and I thought I had plenty of time to make him a quilt. Brody arrived almost a month early.
I started a new job in March this year. Since I work from home, I don't really know any of the people I work with. They had a company picnic at the Harrisburg Center Island park, where we watched the Senators lose a ball game. Anyway, I met a coworker who was getting ready to begin Chemo treatment for breast cancer, She is a young woman, which makes this even sadder. I made her a breast cancer quilt for support and comfort. She told me she received it when she was having a rough day and that it was the perfect time for her to get it. This is my September finish.
I have another September finish. Draperies. When we moved in to our house, I just put these up until I found something that I liked for our living room. I have been looking for draperies or fabric for over nine years. I finally stumbled across some fabric that I thought would work, so bit the bullet and ordered it online. Fortunately it matched my walls very well.
My walls are more of a butter yellow-not as deep or bright as they look in these pictures.
Once again-the yellow is a soft yellow. It's very difficult for me to get the true color for this. I used a tutorial on the internet for tab back curtain panels. They are lined and turned out pretty nice.

This is a baby quilt I made for Ashley. She is expecting her little girl at Christmas. Her nursery color scheme is navy, coral and gray with a touch of mint green. I made drapery panels for her in navy with white dots-like the ones I made for my living room. I also made her an adjustable crib skirt with a cute coral print and some of the navy fabric from the drapes. She is supposed to send me a picture of them when they are all put together in the nursery.
This is the Fire Escape quilt I made for Lacey for her college graduation. She earned her Bachelor's in Criminal Justice (I think that is what it is.)
Here she is with her dad in front of the quilt. This is my July finish.
Oliver turned six this year. He has Alexander's disease and continues to do well. He is such a sweet little boy. We don't get to see him often due to his parents schedules and are very thankful for the times we do get to spend with him. We had a little party for him with his cousins.
I liked how the Fire Escape quilt turned out for Lacey so I thought I would make Oliver one too. He likes Sophia the First, but I wanted to make the quilt a little more masculine for him, so I added a lot of blue. I think it worked. He wasn't too impressed with the quilt though. This is my August finish.I started a new job in March this year. Since I work from home, I don't really know any of the people I work with. They had a company picnic at the Harrisburg Center Island park, where we watched the Senators lose a ball game. Anyway, I met a coworker who was getting ready to begin Chemo treatment for breast cancer, She is a young woman, which makes this even sadder. I made her a breast cancer quilt for support and comfort. She told me she received it when she was having a rough day and that it was the perfect time for her to get it. This is my September finish.
I have another September finish. Draperies. When we moved in to our house, I just put these up until I found something that I liked for our living room. I have been looking for draperies or fabric for over nine years. I finally stumbled across some fabric that I thought would work, so bit the bullet and ordered it online. Fortunately it matched my walls very well.
My walls are more of a butter yellow-not as deep or bright as they look in these pictures.
Once again-the yellow is a soft yellow. It's very difficult for me to get the true color for this. I used a tutorial on the internet for tab back curtain panels. They are lined and turned out pretty nice.
This is the back of the quilt. I didn't know how to put that mint on the front, so I added a little to the back.
Does anyone else have problems with the formatting of blogger? I tried over and over to get the crib quilt to the side with my text on the other side. Blogger would either move the location of the picture, switch it with the picture above, or delete it all together. I always have problems somewhere along the line and then give up. My computer has Vista on it, so that could be the problem. I am hoping to upgrade to Windows 10 next year.