We are having more snow this year than we have had for years. This is more like the winters I remember. If it is going to be cold we may as well have snow! Madison and Elijah were sledding in the yard with their mom. I was inside with Josiah. GiGi didn't get up in time to watch the baby. :( I missed out on the fun.
But I did get to spend some one on one time with this little one. Poor baby has eczema. It is so bad that he has to have socks on his hands to keep them from getting raw when he sucks on them. You can see some patches of it on his face. They say this is caused by allergic reactions to vaccinations.
I finished my Celtic Solstice and finally got it outside for a picture. I just saw one with a blue outer border. That made the quilt look so different, more somber, if that is possible with this happy quilt. This one is going to my nephew and his wife. I hope they like it!
I had a few blocks left over, since I was just guestimating how many I would need to make mine queen size and not king or lap like Bonnie did. I say it was about perfect with just these few extras. I am so grateful that I had extras and not the opposite and needed to make more.